RX Reimbursement Programs
Home Health Care Insurance is more affordable than most other plan of care policies and it pays benefits directly to you, regardless of any other insurance you have.
Home Health Care benefits kick in if you suffer a cognitive disability or can’t perform 2 of the 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADL). What Benefits are included?HOME HEALTH CARE BENEFIT
Your chosen plan pays a benefit for up to 360 payments for a variety of services including skilled nursing, physical therapy and general nursing care. HOME HEALTH CARE AIDE BENEFIT Your chosen plan pays benefits for up to 60 days. You can receive a daily benefit for each day you require the services of a Home Health Care Aide, depending on your chosen plan - and no hospitalization stay is required! Home health care benefits include:
Prescription Drug Benefit Most likely you’re taking at least one prescription medication. With the Prescription Drug Benefit, you can receive benefits for any prescriptions that are filled after the policy is in effect. Just filling your normal prescriptions can help offset the cost of the policy itself! |